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Aromatherapy Products in the Personal Care for Women Line




AromaSignatures -Personal Care for Women Aromatherapy Products

Mentrual Cramps & Nausea

Menstrual Cramps & Nausea aromatherapy products

A woman's menstral cycle can bring discomfort and pain. Menstrual Cramps and Nausea was designed specifically with a woman's needs in mind. Either in regular or extra strength, this product helps to alleviate stomach cramps and pain as well as relieve the feeling of nausea while balancing the hormones.

Contains: Fennel, Geranium, Marjoram, Nutmeg, Peppermint, Rose plus other essential oils.

Available as a bath and body oil in regular or extra strength.

Usage of the oil: Use a massage or body oil in the morning or whenever needed up to four times a day. Rub on upper stomach all the way up to the throat area. Then bring your hands up to your face and breathe it in through the nose.

WARNING: Do NOT use during pregnancy.

Copyright (c) 1998, 2003 AromaSignatures & Dr. Uwe Kreis